We offer rendering services for both small and large projects. Patch Rendering to areas requiring repair prior to painting, or full rendering to various substrates.
Do you require plaster repair works? From patching works to full sheeting and sanding, ready for painting.
Sometimes a project requires a specialist coating. We specialise in such coating systems including 2 Pac Epoxy, membrane coatings and industrial coatings systems.
Replacing windows and rotted timber can be an expensive exercise. We’ve developed a process using epoxy resin that will provide a long-lasting repair – for a fraction of the replacement cost.
Our trusted relationships with paint manufacturers work hand in hand providing a reliable coating system for your project. Ask us about a paint manufacturers specification for your property. *Conditions Apply .
We provide independent Scope of Work Reports if you're wanting to take your project to tender, offering a level playing field for contractors.
We are dedicated to giving you fast, friendly and reliable advice and service. With our team of professionals, we work to the highest standards around all project outcomes.
MARA (Homeowner)
GEOFF (Owners Corporation Manager)
STEVE (Commercial Builder)
Our industry partners
Paintboys Coatings Pty Ltd
ABN: 82 609 586 618
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